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On the Healthcare Front

Issue #1: Premiere Issue

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when should you call kepro?

  • If you are not ready to be discharged from the hospital.
  • If your Medicare skilled services are ending too soon. Examples of skilled services include things like physical therapy and nursing services.
  • If you have a concern about the quality of care you received.
  • If you have a concern about your medical care that needs to be taken care of right away.

To speak with a representative about Kepro's services, click on the link below for the phone number for your state.

These services are free for people who have Medicare. 

Kepro Telephone Numbers

february is heart month

Learn what you can do to keep your heart healthy.

Visit the website for National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute to learn more.

bowl of fruit

news about medicare

Biggest Medicare Changes for 2022

Look for higher premiums and deductibles in the new year.

Read the fact sheet on www.cms.gov.

in this issue:

immediate advocacy services for people who have medicare

What is Immediate Advocacy?

If you have Medicare and have a concern about the health care (or related medical services) you had, you can do something about it. You can call Kepro and ask about Immediate Advocacy. It is a process that can be used to resolve an issue quickly.

Read a story to learn more about how the Immediate Advocacy process works. This story shows how Kepro helped a Medicare patient get needed answers from her doctor's office.

getting help with a prescription refill

Polly is on Medicare.

Polly lives alone and has no family around to help with daily tasks that may be too hard for her to do on her own. She does not have much support in her neighborhood because the neighbors she knew moved, and she does not know many of the new ones. Sadly, her eyes have been giving her trouble, so when her driver’s license expired, she was not able to renew it. While she is in the process of getting that fixed, as of right now, transportation is hard for her.

With all these problems going on, it is important to note that Polly is on oxygen. However, she was having trouble getting the prescription for her oxygen refilled. She thought it had been taken care of previously. However, she found out that it was not, and the order would expire the next month.

If you are on Medicare and are not happy with the care you received or if you need help working through an issue that needs to be taken care of right away, please call Kepro and ask about Immediate Advocacy.

video: free kepro bfcc services for people who have medicare

Kepro helps people with Medicare:

  • file complaints about quality of healthcare services, and
  • make requests to appeal a hospital discharge or stopping of skilled services such as physical therapy.
  • They also offer Immediate Advocacy services when issues need to be taken care of right away.

Watch a video to learn more: 

overview of services

Publication No. R146810-232-2/2022. This material was prepared by Kepro, a Medicare Quality Improvement Organization under contract with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The contents presented do not necessarily reflect CMS policy. 

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